10+ Cats Who Always Take Over The Best Places To Play In The House – KingdomOfCats

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10+ Cats Who Always Take Over The Best Places To Play In The House

KingdomOfCat Admin




It’s time to be honest with yourself – cats are very independent and smart creatures. They know how to get close to you, occupy you, and even your house in only a few steps. They do whatever they want and stay anywhere they love. And of course, they don’t care what you think and how you feel. Although they know exactly what you want them to do, they still refuse to do it.

After all, cats believe they are the true kings of the world. They even think that your house is their world, and you just live in it. If you don’t believe, just take a look at some cat pics below. These cats act like they are the boss of you, so they don’t hesitate to take over the best hang out spot in the house. Scroll down to check for yourself!

1. Watching a friend’s cat. There’s a thunderstorm outside. I’ve been like this for an hour

2. During yoga, I look up and see this! My cat watching me…

3. Hooman, get out of my fort!


4. My cat managed to climb through the skylight and just proceeds to sit there, 70 feet above the ground

5. My cat’s favorite place to sleep is now the shower, right after we use it. But I have to put a towel down first so she doesn’t get her polydactyls wet

6. I was planning on shooting some product images… my cat had other ideas

7. My cat sits here every day waiting to be pet by the people taking the bus. They call him the “bus stop cat"

8. Every time we order pizza…

9. She likes to sit on my laptop power brick

10. My cat on our new glass coffee table

11. It seems he has found a new bed for himself

12. There’s a loaf in my fridge! He climbs in every time I start to cook, and I let him hang out there because it’s hot and he’s always wearing that thick furry coat

13. This is Ann. Ann likes to wait and watch the bubbles in the humidifier

14. Why I can not sleep in here hooman?

15.  A little privacy please…

16. He wouldn’t stop meowing until I let him climb up my body to be my scarf

17. My significant other laid out her crochet project on the floor to measure it. Not even 30 seconds later…

18. I just threw my belt on the floor

19. My fur baby is using my foot as a hammock

20. Kieran sitting right above our heating unit, blocking the warm air… Don’t worry, I made sure it wouldn’t burn his little toe beans

21. The unwritten rule is that you don’t move when your pet is on you

22. Charlie has his own personal designated chair that no one is allowed to sit on

23. Took my cat to the vet, and now he is hiding

24. I don’t know why, but he loves to lie here

25. I pulled my stove away from the wall to fix the outlet behind it. I left the room for 2 minutes and came back to find this

26. My wife visited a stable. She said that all the stable cats were hanging out on some of the heat sources like radiators, but this cat took it one step further it seems

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