15+ Naughty Cats Who Believe They Are Kings And Queens Of This World – KingdomOfCats

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15+ Naughty Cats Who Believe They Are Kings And Queens Of This World

KingdomOfCat Admin

As you know, cats are smart, curious, and independent animals. Not only do they serve as an anti-stress companion for us, but they also boost our mood with their cuteness and sweetness. However, some cats turn out to be the representatives of silliness and naughtiness. They don’t listen to their owners’ commands, they destroy everything in our houses, fight with other pets, and just generally bring chaos into our lives. They do these things because they think they are kings of this world and bosses of our houses.

We know that no matter what, we love our cats, and their quirks make us love them even more. That’s the reason why we would like to share with some pics of mischievous cats who don’t hesitate to show their humans who’s the boss in the house. Scroll down to see for yourself!




1. Oh well, brushing your teeth is overrated anyway

2. Every time I try to leave the house…

3. It’s my turn to play, human

4. This ‘no-spill bowl’ was a challenge apparently

5. Want to do this puzzle, human? Not today

6. They were both sleeping 3 minutes ago

7. Because who needs personal space…or the ability to breathe?

8. Come on, pick me up!

9. Countless places to nap outside in the shade and this is where my cat chooses to get comfortable…

10. When she demands attention

11. I accidentally woke him up by rearranging my legs

12. My black and white tabby sits on my calico until she gives up their fave spot on my desk

13. Yes, this is a good place to sit

14. If you don’t nap with Sammy, you don’t nap at all

15. Wanted a photo with the kittens — this is what I got

16. The shower curtain was like this already

17. She judges from above


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