Meet Luhu, The Saddest Cat In The World – KingdomOfCats

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Meet Luhu, The Saddest Cat In The World

KingdomOfCat Admin

Cats pretty much have it made in life. They get to sleep all day, massaged whenever they demand it, eat for free, and live rent free. But as you can see from the pictures below not all cats are happy with their easy lives. In fact, this kitty, Lulu looks almost downright miserable and we think she might just be the world’s saddest feline. She lives in Beijing with her human mom, Maggie Liu, and her various other siblings but Luhu is the only one that looks as sad as she does. She is doing something right by bringing plenty of joy to her 160k Instagram followers, who can’t get enough of her mournful expression!

1. Look at the catto behind

2. Tongue out

3. What do you mean no more treats?

4. Sad, but still love cuddle

5. Are you leaving me alone, again? Mom

This adorable fur ball, Luhu, has a permanent sad face due to a developmental defect that he was born with.

Luhu is a five-year-old cat who lives in Beijing, China, with his owner, Maggie Liu. Although his eyes droop and he has a permanent sad frown, this cat is full of life and eager to play with toys and meet new people.

6. Mom pet me please, stap working

7. I'm sad now, gimme treats!

8. Monday feeling

9. Chub chub, so small

10. So fluffy

11. Pleh

12. But mom, where is my food!

13. Throw back when I was smol

14. Cuddle me, please

15. Me every time I wake up

16. Just so small and adorable

17. Just look at those paws, so cute

18. Don't sad, be happy

19. Sad homie

20. When you open refrigerator but you can't find anything to eat

21. When you just eat but you are still hungry

22. Meet my brother, we are Sadie team

23. Mom leaving me to work again

24. You gimme food but why I'm still sad

25. Sad bath

Don't forget to follow Luhu on Instagram

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