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Cat News

23 Pets Who Hate Selfies But Still Look Adorable

23 Pets Who Hate Selfies But Still Look Adorable

If you have a pet, you already know that pets are usually in a grumpy or sleepy mood and if we try to take a picture with them, they straight up refuse to do so. They just do not like getting their picture taken. This is why most of the pictures of your pets on your phone are blurry images of them goofing around. I do not know how these Instagram pets do it, my pets hate taking pictures. It is almost like they are allergic to cameras.   Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily...

35 Spoiled Cats Feeling Angry About Their Very Hard Lives & Their Face Says It All

35 Spoiled Cats Feeling Angry About Their Very Hard Lives & Their Face Says It All

There’s no denying that cats are enigmatic and fascinating animals. Despite the fact that they are endearing in their own way, they are known to be temperamental and have a long list of things that they do not care for.   Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to your inbox. (We hate spamming, and send only what necessary to you) Subscribe   If you have a cat, you are familiar with the personalities of our furry babies. We are over heels in love with them, to the point that we...

30 Pics Of Cats And Dogs Siblings Being ‘Bros’

30 Pics Of Cats And Dogs Siblings Being ‘Bros’

Cats and dogs are, without a doubt, the most famous pets. You can say that a majority of the people and the internet are all about cats and dogs. Cat owners would claim that cats are better while the dog owners would say dogs are the best. But a true animal lover knows that both of these animals have their own unique personalities which are equally adorable! I don’t understand how a person can love one furry companion and dislike the other? It’s just weird. Now, have you ever imagined these animals living under the same roof? Sharing the same...

20 Animals Who Are Blessed With Features That Make Them Really Special

20 Animals Who Are Blessed With Features That Make Them Really Special

Needless to say, all animals are beautiful. You observe them from whatever angle, they would look irresistibly cute. In fact, they will end up making you fall in love with them. Well, some animals are luckier than others. They are lucky enough to be blessed by mother nature with some of the unique features that make them stand out from the rest. A heart on a cat body, letter ‘S’ written on a snake’s stomach or a duck with an afro hairstyle. These special features make them unique and we are sure, they have no idea how special their features...

20 Photos That Prove Humankind Doesn’t Deserve Animals

20 Photos That Prove Humankind Doesn’t Deserve Animals

I am sure you have heard this particular statement a thousand times but it is actually quite true. And if you think this only applies to humans, you are very wrong. You see, as humans, we have the luxury to portray our emotions, what we are feeling by speaking up or writing it down. However, animals can’t do that so we only have to rely on their behaviour and how they ct around us. Well, that and also how they look at us.   Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes....