Cat News
50 Adorable Cat Teefies That Will Make You Smile
Cats have pearly white teeth called teefies and they look adorable with their sharp teeth out. Cats are born without teeth and they grow their teeth after 2-3 weeks. We humans, have 32 teeth, have you ever wondered how many teeth does a cat has? Cats usually have 26 baby teeth and 30 permanent teeth. Interesting, right? Some cat owners love their cats’ teefies for all the right reasons because cats look adorable with their tiny, sharp white teeth. Teefies help cats capture their prey and rip the meat off. There is no need to be scared of these cute-looking...
An Artist Photoshops Cats As Giants Living In Our World
Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to your inbox. (We hate spamming, and send only what necessary to you) Subscribe In this day and age, you can easily manipulate photos and use your imagination to create whatever you want. We are pretty aware of Photoshop, almost every Instagram model uses it. Why not use it for other interesting purposes? Such as creating giant cat landscapes. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? It is. Matt McCarthy is an artist living the US that creates amazing giant cat pictures that have gone...
17 Pet Owners Showed Who Their Boss Really Is When They Work From Home
Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to your inbox. (We hate spamming, and send only what necessary to you) Subscribe All those people who have pets may understand and enjoy this on another level because they will certainly relate to all of it. These pets were ready to make sure we knew our place, they are bosses and we are just serving them. Moreover, the pets input is the most important because they are undeniably funny and hilarious. The best part is that they are the kind of...
28 Photos Of Norwegian Forest Cats That Prove They Are Too Majestic
Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to your inbox. (We hate spamming, and send only what necessary to you) Subscribe I am willing to bet my everything on the fact that you have not seen a more majestically cat than the one I am about to show you guys today. You guys really are in for the treat. The Norwegian Forest Cat, as the name suggests, is a cat breed with an origin from Norway. By the way, these Norwegians are too lucky men. Noway’s Human Development Index...
Wholesome Rescue Pet Pics That Show How Important It Is To Adopt And Not Shop
Join over 32,000 of your crazy cat lovers and get daily news Funny and cat memes. Directly to your inbox. (We hate spamming, and send only what necessary to you) Subscribe Every year it is estimated that more than one million of adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized simply because too many pets come into shelters and very few people consider an option of adoption when they are looking for a pet. If people adopted pets rather than buying them then simply the rate of euthanized animals would be automatically reduced. When you adopt a pet, you save a...