29 Pets Who Have No Concept Of Family Furniture – KingdomOfCats

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29 Pets Who Have No Concept Of Family Furniture

KingdomOfCat Admin

Our pets are not only super adorable, but they are also wicked smart! Despite being intelligent and quick learners, they don’t always get concept of everything in our house, especially family furniture. They often need some time to find out how it works. They can try to adapt to it or become one with it. But sometimes, they’ll try to fight or destroy it.

Here are 30 pets who are unable to imagine what the family furniture is like because they have never experienced it. They seemed to want to enjoy or destroy the family furniture in their own ways, but sadly they have failed in their battles vs human furniture. Despite their best efforts, they didn’t have a chance of success and ended up with hilarious positions on furniture.





1. Room Enough For Two

2. This dog looks like he’s having a rough day

3. This cat looks like it was messing around and got stuck

4. I am enjoy my Sunday by the way

5. This cat looks like it was eaten by the couch

6. This table makes the perfect chin rest for this dog

7. The Hammock

8. Dog Stand

9. You hoomans should really consider cleaning in here

10. This dog looks like he just sunk into this spot

11. Cat vs. Chair, best friend story

12. Watching TV, in style

13. This dog likes his naps clean

14. This dog loves his chair

15. Oh, so you are home early today mom

16. This dog’s human couldn’t find their dog

17. This dog looks folded

18. This cat got in a fight with the blinds

19. This dog has her own little hiding spot

20. Are you ok catto? Hmm

21. Hello, I might need a little bit help right here!

22. Most people like their pillows soft

23. The best kind of sleeping spot

24. This dog looks like she needs a pick me up

25. This table makes the perfect chin rest for this dog

26. What are you thinking lil fella?

27. This dog likes the crease in the couch

28. Ok, I’m not gonna lie…this seemed like a better idea in my head

29. Well, I have made a mistake then....


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