18 Naughty Cats Can't Stop Biting Things – KingdomOfCats

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18 Naughty Cats Can't Stop Biting Things

KingdomOfCat Admin

Cats are phenomenal companions. I'd argue until blue in the face that my cats are my best friends, I'd do just about anything for them.

However, that doesn't stop me from accepting and admitting some hard truths. They can be a little... naughty. Don't get me wrong, they are cute even when they're naughty and I'll laugh before I dare scold them.

These bitey, bitty, babies you're about to giggle hard at are equally cute and naughty. Remember: bites are tokens of affection most of the time. Your cat may be super duper feisty but your cat definitely loves you.

1. We all have a friend like this

2. Well thank you catto

3. You better watch out

4. This one look good

5. Gotchya, you snake

6. Lemme halp you hooman

7. Feed time hooman

8. Love Monch

9. Maintaining routine is important

10. Because you are at my house

11. No touchy touchy hooman

12. I want it, I take it

13. Cat was first, monster later

14. Let this be a lesson, hooman

15. I love sticks

16. Dang

17. Opps, not me hooman

18. Wittle nibble

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