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Cat News — Daily cat videos

Daily Update Cat Videos Will Make You Smile

Tags Daily cat dose, Daily cat videos

Daily Update Cat Videos Will Make You Smile

Top cute cat videos, update everyday, be sure to follow our website for more! 1. There are 2 cutest things I love the most: Baby and Cats  from @the_cat_named_carrot 2. My fur baby are half cat, half hamster   from @mickykardashian 3. That cat is leading a more adventurous life than I am  from @emmylou_adventurecat 4. She’s stockpiling bananas and potatoes, turn them in to a pillow!  From @katebeckinsale 5. Hey human it's treat time! gimme some  From @nxxbliss.fosters 6. Oh this looks like a nice spot to lay on” *GLOMP*  From @charlie.fosterdad 7. Bathing is hard work and requires a nap immediately afterwards.  From @love2foster 8. My new...