Cats are often glorified as being cute little animals who sleep all day, purr a lot and maybe catch a bird if they are feeling energetic. Ask any cat owner and you will learn that the only thing a cat does with certainty is whatever the heck it pleases.
No two cats are the same, and their unique personalities make them very interesting companions to have around the house. While some of them engage in what can be described as “regular cat activities,” such as screaming constantly for food.
Other cats sometimes seem to malfunction slightly, and yet we love them endlessly anyway. Check them out below and be sure to let us see the weird things your cat does in the comments below!
1. *snore*
From Reddit
2. Could not open file Cat.exe
From Reddit
3. Airplane Pixie is approaching for landing
From Reddit
4. She yells until I let her join me in the bathtub
From Reddit
5. Let me put my full weight against the back of your head and neck, I only weigh 16lbs, you’ll be fine.
From Reddit
6. He wasn't pleased when I asked him not to sleep where he poops
From Reddit
7. Do tucked in noses count?
From Reddit
8. She does this frequently. It’s rather unsettling.
From Reddit
9. Sometimes Winston invents brand new shapes
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10. Mid yawn teefies looking devilish
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11. Nam nam
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12. He likes to hop like a kangaroo when he doesn't get enough attention, finally caught an action shot

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13. Smelly shoe, oh smelly shoe, I love you.
From Reddit
14. Sometimes my cat is broken too when sitting, she’s pretty slim as well but she looks like a potato here.
From Reddit
15. My mom sent me a picture of this elegant creature
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16. This is Esme, and sometimes she likes to sit like a penguin (pen-gwing? peng-wine??)
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17. You good there, Bruce?
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18. My girl yoshi flashing a smile!
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19. My girl was never photogenic
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20. She kept swatting at my noodles... So I gave her one.
From Reddit