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Cat News

15 Cats That Just Don't Care And Don't Give A Darm

15 Cats That Just Don't Care And Don't Give A Darm

It's considered common sense that cats simply do not give a damn about the rules, they do whatever the hell they want and don't even feel sorry or bad about doing them because that's who they are. When it comes to destroying furniture they are the best at it, it's just ridiculous how far they would go in order to sabotage your belongings, but at the end, you just can't get mad at them because they're so adorable and cuddly. 1. Stap, let me help you with that 2. His face is priceless 3. Get a cat, they say, it will be fun!...

Kitten Found on the Streets Has the Sweetest Face and Family to Help Her Thrive

Kitten Found on the Streets Has the Sweetest Face and Family to Help Her Thrive

A wobbly kitten with a cleft lip is so happy to find the perfect family after she was rescued from the outdoors.    A tiny kitten was found alone outside during a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project last month. She was brought to Meow Village, an all-volunteer feral cat rescue in Aurora, Oregon, for a chance at a better life. "A (TNR rescuer) spotted her while out trapping cats for spay and neuter. It was obvious that the kitten would need extra assessment. A few calls were made and she was in the arms of a Meow Village volunteer within hours," Meow...

Cat Finds Chipmunk and Surprisingly Starts Cuddling With It

Cat Finds Chipmunk and Surprisingly Starts Cuddling With It

 We bet you never expected this to happen! A tiny chipmunk decided to adventure into a yard but only to meet a furry feline whose tail was three times his size. After meeting, they exchanged pleasantries and soon became cuddle buddies. “My cat made friends with a chipmunk,” the cat’s human dad shared on Reddit.  “Oh, welcome fellow fur creature. I am cat, the king, and this is my kingdom.”  “I the king must rest and nap wherever I please. You may join me if you like.” “Would you like to join me for a nap?” “Are you comfy?” “Just make...

Clever Cat Learnt To Communicate With Her Human Through A Speech Board

Clever Cat Learnt To Communicate With Her Human Through A Speech Board

I know deep down that you have always wanted to have a conversation with your cat. I mean, I am sure that already you are having conversations with your cat. But, I think it is fair to say that they are probably quite one-sided. It is likely just you talking to your cat, who is sitting there glaring at you for daring to open your mouth. Occasionally your cat might meow back, but that is probably more to do with them wanting something--rather than them taking an interest in your banter. What if your cat could communicate with you though?...

This Cat Can’t Get Enough Of Her New Best Friend

This Cat Can’t Get Enough Of Her New Best Friend

Growing up as a shelter cat, Grace had a rough upbringing. Finally, 5 years ago, she was picked up by a loving family that could support her in a new home. The family noticed that Grace wasn’t the cuddly, loving type of cat and that she preferred to have distance between her and others. From time to time, Grace would show affection but nothing major. She was an independent kitty who didn’t need much comfort until she met the newest member of her family. Her mom, Jeannie Seiler-Laderer, thought that Grace was going to have a difficult time accepting the...