Cat's Water & Food Bowl: The Ultimate Guide – KingdomOfCats

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Cat's Water & Food Bowl: The Ultimate Guide

KingdomOfCat Admin

 Hi guys, my name is Janie - a team member from TheCatLoversCommunity. I have been doing research and on the internet and at the meeting about the best way to take care your cat, Today I'm gonna help you - a cat mom the way how to clean and choose the best cat water bowl and food bowl

Keeping Your Pet’s Water and Food Bowls Cleaned Should be Part of Your Daily Routine

You guys might be asking "why should I do that every day?". Well, something that’s often overlooked but is an important part of your pet’s overall health and well-being is the cleaning of their food and water bowls. Just like you need clean bowls with your meals, so do your pets. Not cleaning them often results in disease and bacteria building up in their bowl.

 How Long Should I Clean Pet's Food Bowl and Water Bowl?

There is no specific harm for washing dogs/cats bowls frequently, but there is definitely a reason why should we wash them.

I would suggest:

-Washing their bowls every-single-night, no matter what or any reason (Lazy, I believe)

-Washing immediately If I found that the smell of any leftover crumbs/layering on the bowls do attract cockroaches or flies. These pests do carry germs/diseases that could infect our pets.

Water In Bowl Is Just Water, Why Should I Clean It Every Day Then Put Water Again? 

If you ever have a thought like this before or now, please stop immediately. Because water that sits around will form a slimy residue along the inside of the bowl. Bacteria and fungus will begin to grow. Pets will also eat their food and then go to their water bowl, depositing food in the bowl while they drink and the result your pet will get sick down the line

I would suggest you should change the water in the bowl every 3 hours ( Outside the house) or 5 hours ( Inside the house). I know it would be hard for the first time because your brain did not optimize for it become a part of your daily routine, but I believe you can do it!

Wet Food vs Dry Food, Cleaning in a Difference Way:

Dry food vs Wet Food

 -If you’re feeding them wet food, you definitely should clean the bowls every time after your pet done with the meal.

 -And if you are giving your pets dry food, PLEASE at least do warm water rinse every day and clean the bowls with soap and water at least every few days.


No matter what the species is, this applies to all the food bowls for every single dog and cat. There is no danger to washing the bowl every day. The only danger of doing that is leaving soap in the bowl. Make sure there is no soap residue left behind when you fill the bowls with water again because that could upset your pet’s stomach

What Is The Best Bowl To Choose For Your Pet?

Till now, I would not recommend ceramic and plastic bowls because the nature of these materials provides a breeding ground for bacteria and other germs.

 Plastic bowls also are not recommended because cats might have a tendency to chew on them, and when you wash it with hot water, the plastic might be melt and release plastic - which is very dangerous for your pet

So, what is the best and safest bowl for your pets?

It's Stainless or porcelain bowls, I would recommend 2 of this bowl. It is safe, easy to clean and dry fast

Cat Food and Water Bowl


Take a look at our handmade stainless food and water bowl, 100% satisfied, easy return



 Another Tip:

You should also keep an eye on food that has fallen out of the bowl as well as the placement of where the bowl is in the house. During summer time especially, bugs can congregate around your pet’s feeding area. Clean up any water or food spills on the floor when you notice them. You should also remember to store your pet’s food in a sealed container with a lid so the food stays fresh and so insects and rodents won’t get inside the food bag.

Also, I do recommend you should have a small rug to contain the fallen out food. You can take a look at that rug at here, it's anti-slip and waterproof 


Don’t neglect the easy task of cleaning your pet’s water bowl. It will keep them more healthy and interested in eating and drinking what you are offering them. It’s another way of preventing them from becoming sick or dehydrated and it’s an easy thing to do.

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