Cats That Were Caught In Hilarious Compromising Positions – KingdomOfCats

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Cats That Were Caught In Hilarious Compromising Positions

KingdomOfCat Admin

Cats are said to be graceful, elegant, and majestic. That's true, of course, cats are incredible creatures filled to the brim with beauty and wonder! However, they are also masters of many less delicate features and personality traits: they're naughty, they can be destructive, they have daily derp moments, and oh lawd they love the nomz.

As such, it's not unheard of, let alone impossible, to capture cats on camera in their less than elegant moments. In fact, us humans have gotten pretty good at snapping a picture at precisely the right moment and catching our cats in compromising positions.

1. Hi, I'm dancing

2. You will pay

3. Purrfectly positioned

4. The great yogurt thief

5. It's a chimken

6. Please, Karen, don't just stand there, you must do something

7. Say fishh

8. Destructive as heck

9. Adorable, I'm not even mad

10. But first, coffee

11. Heck

12. A-meow-zing

13. He is trying his best

14. What happens when you interrupt a catnap?


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