30 Pictures Showing Cats Who Does Not Enjoy Vet Visits Will Make You D – KingdomOfCats

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30 Pictures Showing Cats Who Does Not Enjoy Vet Visits Will Make You Day

KingdomOfCat Admin

Just like some of us humans does not like going to the doctor, some cats hate going to the vet. There are many reasons to this problem, eg. the fear of getting into the carrier, fear of being poked and prodded, etc. The trip to vet could be a nightmare to many, but at least some cats have such a cute way of being nervous. Scroll down for some horrid vet visits and get yourself a few laugh.



1.  He think he is liquid

2. Those eyes! What a glowing nope

3. You can't see me

4. Thank you for the taxi, now bring me back to home

5. I will give you anything, anything, just bring me back home

6. Can you find my cat?

7. He thought I can't see him

8. He tongue out when I said let's visit the vet

9. Chubby milk and chocolate catto hiding from vet

10. Oh no, he found me

11 "Vet?" "Nope, nope"

12. I don't want to see him

13. He hide and hope I can't find him, nearly success

14. No I don't want to face to face with the vet

15. Someone, please, bring me out of here

16. Get me home, or I will destroy the cage

17 What do you mean, vet visit!!

18. Can you just pretend I am not here hooman?

19. He is sneaking from me

20. "Vet visit?" "Talk to my white tail"

21. No

22. Can someone open the door? I will wait outside

23. Fine, I'm not hiding anymore, but please tell the vet be easy with me

24. He hiding from the vet at his office

25. I will sit here, let me know when you are done, hooman

26. He think he can hide from us!

27. He give me the adorable look when I say visit the vet

28. So fluffy, so cute

29. We will visit the vet together

30. Nope, big nope!

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