Awkward Cats Brazenly Caught by Human Paparazzi – KingdomOfCats

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Awkward Cats Brazenly Caught by Human Paparazzi

KingdomOfCat Admin

Even when you are a cat owner, it’s complicated to understand your fuzzy friend. You don’t know why they love sleeping in strange positions, sitting still like they’re iced up, sleeping all day and racing around at night. Their weird behavior confuse you, and making you think you are the only one with such a crazy cat? Don’t worry about it, you are not the only one, and surprisingly your cat might be considered completely normal.

Although cats are perfectly lovely, they can also be pretty embarrassing sometimes. Luckily, we have photos that reveal cats’ true nature. So, we would like to show you these cats who’ve somehow forgotten to turn into cute creatures in front of the camera. We make sure that you will die laughing while looking at these awkward cats.

Scroll down to enjoy!



1. Feeling super comfy…

2. Cats don’t need any company to have fun

3. Purrfect from all angles

4. You shouldn’t have come in, human

5. When you hear your neighbors’ dog is going to

6. When the batteries suddenly die

7. When your cat too excited

8. When you’re in trouble and realize no one’s going to help you

9. You’re going to regret this, I promise

10. When someone broke the cat again

11. You promised to give me food

12. When they say your smile is beautiful

13. You aren’t the only one who likes to make funny faces in front of the camera

14. Little bit halp here, hooman

15. A girl draws simple, yet brilliant pictures of cats

16. Here’s a picture of a cat that has one million followers on Instagram. What have you achieved so far in life?

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