People Who Claimed They Didn’t Want The Cat (But Now They Want) – KingdomOfCats

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People Who Claimed They Didn’t Want The Cat (But Now They Want)

KingdomOfCat Admin

There are two types of people in this world…those who love cats and those who haven’t discovered their love of cats.

What is there not to like about cats. Their eyes are beautiful, they smell like a blankey right out of the dryer, they have soft squishy tums, you can pick them up and give them hugs and squeezes. Resisting their furry feline charm is much more difficult than you can possibly imagine. Sure you you aren’t a cat person and you don’t want a cat and you might even mean it. But that doesn’t mean a cat doesn’t want you, and once a cat chooses you there is no amount of resistance in the world to stop them from creeping into your life and stealing your heart.

Yes, they are purrfect. Don’t believe us? Proof is in the pudding, check out below for yourself!

1. I Always Considered Myself To Be More Of A Dog Person, But Anymore

2. After Not Letting Me Get A Cat For Years He Is Now Besotted With Gus

3. Got Leeroy A Couple Weeks Back. Girlfriend Didn’t Want A Cat And Still Tells Friends She Hates Him. Yeah, Ok

4. And He Didn’t Even Want A Cat

5. Boyfriend Said He Didn’t Want Another Cat, But Look At Him Now

6. I Found A Cat. I Don’t Like Cats. Now I Have A Cat I Guess

7. This Is My Grandpa, he loves cats

8. My “Not A Cat Person” Boyfriend Falling In Love With A Shelter Kitty

9. Not A Cat Person But I Just Couldn’t Not Take Her Home

10. He always say I'm not a cat person, but not like that

11. "I Really Hate Your Cat” Indeed

12. Before I Got My Kitten, My Boyfriend Said He Didn’t Like Cats. Now I Have Been Demoted To “Princess #2”

13. I’m Not A Cat Person But I’ll Make An Exception

14. Dad Says He Doesn’t Like The Cat, Saw This

15. My Friend’s Dad Didn’t Want A Cat. She Just Sent Me This

16. My Dad Doesn’t Want A Cat But The Cat Definitely Wants My Dad

17. This Is The Man That Didn’t Want A Cat

18. My Dad Hates Cats, But Not Anymore

19. Caught A Picture Of My Cat With My Friend Who Adamantly “Hates Cats”

20. He Didn’t Want A Cat

21. My Girlfriend’s Dad Doesn’t Like Cats So He Says, Looks Like She Won Him Over

22. Years Ago My Sister And I Got A Kitten For Our Dad Who Had Always Said He Hated Cats. They’ve Been Inseparable Ever Since

23. The Boyfriend Is Supposedly Not A Cat Person

24. I Didn’t Want Cats. My Wife Wanted Cats. So We Compromised And Got 5 Cats

25. When We Met 13 Years Ago He Told Me, “I’m More Of A Dog Person, Really”

26. When Your Dad Says He “Doesn’t Like Cats” But You Finally Convince Him

27. Me A Year Ago: I Hate Cats, They’re Evil! Me, Now, On My 4th Set Of Fosters

28. My Dad Swears He Hates Cats

29. At First I Didn’t Want To Have To Take Care Of Kittens. Then This Happened

30. Got A Kitty. Roommate Said He Doesn’t Like Cats. Came Home To This

31. I Am Not A Cat Person. My Mom Found The Most Social Stray

32. My Dad Never Wanted A Cat, And Look At Him Now

33. “No, I Don’t Want To Hold A Kitten”

34. My Dad, Who Hates Cats, Built Bunkbeds For My Boys

35. My Boyfriend Said He Doesn’t Like Cats. This Is Him Now

36. Our Cat Only Loves Our Dad, Who Hates Her

37. I Wanted A Cat. My “Not A Cat Person” Boyfriend Did Not. We Got One Because It Would Make Me Happy. Guess Whose Cat She Is

38. Boyfriend Says He Does Not Like Cats. I Think He Is Full Of Crap



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